"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!" Isaiah 52:7

Monday, December 30, 2013

Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano

Dinners every night is our new vision statement for 2014. We don't get fed very much which shows that the ward isn't in love with us yet. So dinners every night means awesome member involvement with missionary work. I am so excited for this new year and this new area! We are getting to work and working hard. I really do love it. We had a wondeful Christmas and this is a great area, just different but different isn't bad. On Saturday we sat down as missionaries serving in the YB ward and made a solid plan to help the ward  and strengthen the missionary work here. Its going to be AWESOME! its so weird i have been making goals and resolutions for this new year- which includes finishing my mission and figuring out what to do for the rest of my life. its super weird! I was SO grateful to be able to skype with all of you that was the best Christmas present ever! To see everyone happy and doing well and also to see my doggies :) hahaha Sorry I was so emotional, it was just the first time it really hit me how much I have changed since I have been out. My whole outlook on life has changed, my desire to work and everything. I just loved seeing you all so much. I can't even express how grateful I am for the sacrifices you have made to help me be here, so that I can serve the Lord. It has changed my life forever. I can't wait to see michael serve a mission and see all the miracles he will perform too.
We finally had an investigator at church yesterday! that was so exciting. And we had an incredible lesson with a less active. they are really starting to open up to us and that is super awesome. i love this work and i love all of you. have a great week and remember DINNERS EVERY NIGHT!
Love you all
Hermana Fischetti

Monday, December 23, 2013

So I will be skyping  home in T W O D A Y S. So everyone be prepared. It will be at 4pm PST and 7pm EST. ok?! I would love to talk thomas so if you can make that happen that would be awesome. If not, no worries. I will be skyping from my cfischet account at least im hoping. Otherwise it was just a week of missionary work. I am learning the area more and adjusting but its still been very hard. I miss my last area so much so so much. Especially Keisha Chhayana and Pablo. Recent converts just are so hard to leave behind. But I am doing better. So if I am not as happy as I normally on Christmas just know I am going through a phase but I still love being a missionary!!! Sometimes there are just really hard times and Satan has been working on me really hard. But it is good because I am growing and learning a lot about patience and diligence. We have to endure to the end no matter what the situation is. I am just so grateful I have such a wonderful family!!! Grammy- your cookies were divine thank you so much!!!! Sorry I didn't wait to open till Christmas! And mom that Christmas tree was the greatest thing ever. I cried when I opened it- it was exactly what I needed that day. Thank you so much! I love you all a lot and am so grateful for your support. I know that as Thomas and I labor diligently for the Lord regardless of our trials our family will be blessed. This week was interesting. We got food poisoning but it lasted for several days and we had to stay in all day on Saturday. I thought I was losing my mind. I was like just put me on the next plane to new york this is the worst. Sunday we were still sick but we went out and worked and that made it a lot better. I just hate when we can't work because its so boring inside our house and I feel like I am wasting the Lord's time. This week I contacted a girl and we were chatting and she was like oh yeah im 22 and i said me too! then she said what? and you don't have kids yet? and i was like no... im a missionary! and she said I HAVE FOUR!!! just take a moment and think about me having 4 children right now. FOUR. oh gosh thank goodness heavenly father protected those souls and sent me on a mission. I have too much to learn. I love you all so much and can't wait to chat on Wednesday. Remember I only have 45 minutes!!!
Hermana Fischetti

Monday, December 16, 2013

Well I am now serving in Yerba Buena, our ward building is the mission office... which is so weird! We see missionaries all the time and President, its just strange because in Monterey you are very secluded so we just go about our life but its ok I am doing ok. This week probably has been the hardest of my mission, it has been harder to leave Seaside than it was to even come on my mission! I just love the people there so much- my recent converts and the members. It has been really hard. And now I am serving in a full spanish ward which is great for my spanish, but hard because I don't feel like I can always communicate my feelings. It is definitely a work in progress. I know everything will be great but it is just a tough adjustment. Hermana Hall who is the best sister thats ever served in this mission went home a few weeks ago but is back helping President with stuff so she talked to me and she just said don't worry you aren't going to love the people right away, you aren't going to love the area right away, just be patient and it will come. It helped a lot to know that I wasn't just some freak feeling sad. Every missionary has a tough time being transferred after being in an area for so long. That is just life.
Otherwise things are going well! We are very excited about Christmas! So okay I think night would probably be best cuold we skype around like 5 my time 8 yours? we will lay down a specific time next week. With thomas, I only have 45 minutes to skype and yes I would love to talk to thomas, but I am worried that it will get to complicated technically and I will lose time to talk to mom and dad. I love you bud! But, our time is very short. So if we can figure out a way that'd be great but the most important thing is that I get to talk to Mom Dad Michael Grammy PopPop and Grandma and of COURSE the doggies. So just try and figure it out michael in a way that is easiest. Just let me know what to do. I think night would be better.
Things are great and I love you all so much! Next week I promise my letter will be happier and better! Happy almost Christmas!!!!!!!!
Hermana Fischetti

Monday, December 9, 2013

adios seaside le extrano :( :(

Hello! So it is finally time for me to leave my beloved first area- Seaside. I am so sad! Right before the holidays. I love this place I want to raise my family here. But change is important and I am looking forward to meeting new people and having different experiences. I am very comfortable here so it is time for a change. I will mostly miss Sister Reid because she is the best companion ever! We are very depressed. But wow can you believe christmas is in like 3 weeks?! what the heck! time is going way to fast its crazy!

So on Saturday we were SO blessed to be able to go to the temple with the Dominguez's and Roque. It was one of the best days of my entire life and I remembered so vividly when we were able to be sealed. So special. That is the reason why we do missionary work- so families can be together forever. We got to bring the villalobos boys with us to the temple which was awesome. They loved it, and j wants to be baptized SO badly. he wanted to get baptized in the fountain when we were there haha but we just have to get permission from his mom.... which is hard right now! But if he is supposed to get baptized it will happen. 

Also we had another investigator C that has been coming to church. She is 14 and is awesome. She has been coming to church she came to a baptism and she is awesome. So hopefully she will get baptized before Christmas. Man I am going to cry thinking about not being there. I love being a missionary. I LOVE SEASIDE CALIFORNIA. I have never loved anything so much in my whole entire life. Seriously. My heart I just love these people and this area. Everything.

I cant remember if I told you this, but a few weeks ago we were playing soccer with all the Latinos (btw i have finally found my true talent... indoor soccer. i kill it) but i realized i dont think ive ever been so happy in my whole life. we were just playing and laughing and i almost started crying i was so happy. that seems really weird i know, but the mission is the best thing. i love these people, it is like home. it is just so much fun and the Lord showers us with blessings - pure joy and peace. All is well.

Dad you should email Pablo my recent convert pablobucio@gmail.com. I think you  guys will be best friends. He speaks pretty good english so dont use google translate. Also can you please start planning for our family to come visit here for thanksgiving next year?! please im begging you. i need to come back as soon as possible.

Love you all and thank you to the family in Idaho who sent me a package but I dont know who because its from Santa! And to the Medfords- I can't wait to open the scripture packages on Christmas! You are all the greatest. BTW mom we listen to Home for the Holidays literally ALL day everyday. It is the greatest!!!!!!!

Love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hermana Fischetti

Monday, December 2, 2013

Live in Thanksgiving Daily

Wow it has been an incredible week! No better time to be on a mission than the holidays. I feel so blessed! It has been just wonderful here. We have had a lot of miracles this week and I am so excited to see some new work in this area. It is sad to see everything and know I am leaving probably next week- but it is also awesome. 

The day before thanksgiving we ate with the Sharps for thanksgiving dinner. It was a blast and so yummy. But their neighbors came who are from Alaska and usually don't leave the house. So they were hysterical. We were going around the table and someone was sharing something really touching and all the sudden the grandma passed gas SO LOUD. it was unbearable. I lost it I was laughing so hard, luckily so was everyone else but I thought I was going to die I was laughing so hard. I couldn't stop the rest of the night. Then it is her turn to say what they are grateful for. Mind you, she is a nonmember. She starts out "I am grateful today for Brigham Young." We were like what the heck??? Then she goes on to tell that Brigham Young rescued her family in a snow storm when they were going west and because of him her grandpa lived. It was so funny because it was so random but also really cool. Her dad forced them all to read the Book of Mormon as kids to show gratitude for what mormons had done for their family. She doesn't want to be a Mormon she said but she does love them. So that was very entertaining. It was just a really fun night. 

Then on thanksgiving we had thanksgiving lunch with tiffany at the country club iT WAS SOOO DELICIOUS oh my gosh prime rib for thanksgiving?! i would have never guessed thats what i would eat on my mission! so that was awesome. we stopped by some members and then went to Sister Stainbrooks. I love them! They are like my family here :( I am sad to leave them but they are leaving too because sister stainbrook is moving to Lincoln CA. I guess change is important.

We have a new baptismal date with my new 9 year old best friend Jonathan. He is awesome. Also on Saturday the Dominguezs and Roque are going through the temple!!!! We are so excited and President Watkins gave us permission to go! So hopefully we can arrange the details and we can go. I love missionary work! The holidays are the best! 

If you haven't seen it yet you have to check out mormon newsroom and you will see me!! 

Thank you mom SO MUCH SO SO MUCH for the packages! They were AWESOME. The talks were phenomenal ive loved studying them and also everything was awesome. sheesh i am so spoiled! thank you so so much! being a missionary at the holidays is good too because you get lots of mail! haha 

so I will most likely be leaving Monterey next tuesday so don't send anything there if it won't get there before then. either you can send it to the mission home or wait for my new address in 2 weeks.  

Have an awesome week! I love you all!
Hermana Fischetti